1882 – beginning of documented Asylum activity, under the name  St. Joseph Care for the Poor and Children, run by Daughter of Charity Anna Kobylińska

1895 – decision about the construction of the Asylum. The name changes to St. Franciszek Salezy Asylum for the Incapable and Abandoned

1897 – moving and consecration of the building. Work by the Council toward the registration of the Association

1903 – statutes accepted by the czar’s authorities. First Main Meeting of the Members of the Association, election to the Council. Emilia Bloch finances the kindergarten

1905 – approval of the notary act, Jan Bloch grants the grounds and estate of the Asylum to the Association

1907 – founding of the St. Anthony of Padua statue to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Asylum

1909 – purchase of the adjacent property with rear building, named St. Anna House

1932 – fifty years of Asylum work. The endowment of a commemorative plaque

1939 – last Main Assembly of the members of the Association. Acquisition of Antiaircraft Defense Vouchers

1945 – return to the war-ravaged Asylum. First postwar Main General Assembly of the Members of the Association

1951 – transformation of the Asylum by the Communist authorities into Care Home for Adults and Kindergarten

1957 – seventy-five years of work at the Asylum. Statue of Holy Mary funded by the Board

1965 – extension of the building into the niche on the ground floor

1972 – transformation of the Asylum into the Home for the Chronically Ill

1980 – enclosure of the first and second floors. Installation of elevator for people and goods

1982 – centenary of the Asylum. Founding of a commemorative plaque

1989 – accepted again to the registry of associations

1990 – transformation of the Asylum into the Home of Social Care

1991 – contract between the Warsaw voivode and the Association about running the Home of Social Care

1993 – decision of the Financial Commission, turning over rights to the Asylum building and perpetual usufruct of the grounds to the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity

2010 – previous  decision of the Financial Commission is retracted and the Association takes over secular directorship. Transformation of the name into the St. Franciszek Salezy Home of Social Care in Warsaw

2014 – start of renovations to the Asylum building, foundation drainage and renovation of the basements

2016 – renovation and conservation of the elevation. Recreation of damaged decorative elements. Creation of the Social Archive of the Association

2017 – 120 years of the Home of the St. Franciszek Salezy Asylum. Conclusion of renovations. Permission to enlarge the entire complex of Asylum buildings. Plans to create the Day House for Seniors

2018 – 100 years of Polish independence. 115 years of statutory activity of the Association. Publication of the album about the history of the Association (in planning)

2022 – 125 years of the Asylum. Founding of a commemorative bench of donors (in planning).